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Ben Harper un autre Dieu...
--> Pleasure And Pain /Sexual Healing
C'est ce que j'écoute en ce moment...après encore un rêve bizarre...où les catastrophes se sont enchaînées...un peu genre titanic mon rêve d'hier soir...où j'ai crû me noyer maintes et maintes consultation psychiatrique devient ptèt urgente... ;-p Ecouter Ben m'apaise...Ecouter les Bérus me soulage l'esprit...Je remercie les mères d'avoir enfanter de tels génies ;-p

Pleasure And Pain
I'm leaving here on the morning train and I'll never see this world again.

Oh- I've felt pleasure and I've felt pain.
And I know now that I can never be the same.

How I wonder why the world can be so cold.
And if only good die young, then left with me cruel here to grow old.

And I've felt pleasure and I've felt pain.
And I know now that I can never be the same.

And if someday, I find my peace of mind, I will share my wealth with all of human kind.

Well I've felt pleasure and I've felt pain.
And I know now that I can never be the same.

So if the sun does shine or rain does fall, I give thanks I've had my sight to see through it all.

Oh- I've felt pleasure and I've felt pain.
And I know now that I can never be the same.

Sexual Healing
Oh- baby now let's get down tonight.
Baby, I'm hot just like your oven.
Oh- I need your lovin'
And baby, I can't hold it much longer
Now it's getting stronger and stronger
And when I get that feeling
I need a sexual healing, sexual healing
And makes me feel so fine
And helps to release the mind
Sexual healing, is good for me
Sexual healing is something that's very good for me

Whenever these blue teardrops are falling
Oh no - and my emotional stability is leaving me
There is something I can do
Oh- I can get on the telephone and call you up baby
Darling, I know you'll be there to relieve me
The love you give to me will free me
And if you don't know the things you're dealing
Oh- I can tell you darling, oh it's sexual healing
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up
Let's make love tonight
Wake up, Wake up, Wake up, Wake up
'Cause you do it right

Heal me, my darling
Heal me, my darling
Heal me, my darling
Heal me, my darling

Baby, you know I got sick this morning
A sea was storming up inside of me
Baby, I think I'm capsizing
Oh- the waves are rising
And when I get that feeling
I want a sexual healing
Sexual healing
And makes me feel so fine, it's such a rush
And helps to release the mind, Lord- it's good for us
Sexual healing, is good for me
Sexual healing is something that's so so good for me

And it's so good for us and it's so good to me my baby, woohhh
Just grab a hold and take control
Of my body and mind soon we'll be making love
Honey, oh- -- fine
You're my medicine open up and let me in
Darling, you're so great
I can't wait for you to operate


Heal me, my darling
I can't wait for you to operate
Heal me, my darling
I can't wait for you to operate
Heal me, my darling
I can't wait for you to...
Heal me, my darling
Heal me, my darling
Heal me, my darling
I can't wait for you to...
Oh baby, whenever these blue teardrops are falling

Heal me, my darling

Ecrit par Manouch, le Samedi 15 Novembre 2003, 17:50 dans la rubrique "Premiers Pas".

Commentaires :

à 20:06

ton article et parfait
cette chanson reprise de Marvin gaye et trop parfaite
rien a redire et tu al bien compris

à 21:08


Merci Margaux...Un site que tu connais peut être sur le mets pour les autres qui viendraient sur mon site... Une voix si envoutante, si pénétrante qu'on ne peut se sentir que transporter dans son monde...